Friday, November 4, 2011

Cottage Cheese Salad

This #2 recipe for the day calls for celery & cottage cheese also.

Do you like cottage cheese?

I really do, but I grew up on it. I remember my grandpa topping his cottage cheese with apple butter - I still love it that way.

I usually enjoy eating it along with fruit or veggies, like peaches, pears or tomatoes.

I'm not a big meat eater so it's good to know I'm getting some protein when I enjoy a helping of cottage cheese.

When I first heard about this recipe from my friend, Dottie's husband, Jim Ragland, I couldn't even imagine what this combination would taste like!

I really wasn't sure I'd like it at all....

But I was pleasantly surprised and have enjoyed it often since the first bite!

Start with the measured amount of garlic salt and add more until you're happy with it.  I always use more.

It's very tasty and once you have the eggs hard boiled, it's quick to make.


1 - 24 ozs. carton of cottage cheese
(large or small curd)
2 - 3 hard boiled eggs, chopped
(I prefer more)
2 stalks celery, chopped
chopped onion, to taste
1/2 tsp. garlic salt (more to taste)
1/4 tsp. pepper
Mix together; cover and refrigerate until ready to serve. As long as your cottage cheese and eggs are fresh, this will keep for several days.

Linked to Weekend Potluck

1 comment :

  1. Mmmmm - yes - cottage cheese with apple butter. Or homemade raspberry preserves. I remember eating that at Grandma's house... Yummo!

