Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Try these Desserts in a Dash!

Dessert is a sweet treat after any meal.

But sometimes you may not have time to prepare anything ahead. Try these fast & easy ideas to top off any meal.

Tickle your tastebuds with some fresh fruit combinations..


Twirl strawberries, sliced kiwifruit, and mandarin orange segments in microwavable dipping chocolate.  Find it in the baking aisle, the produce dept. or near the ice cream toppings.

For a pretty parfait, layer fresh blueberries, strawberries, bananas or peach slices with instant white chocolate, cheesecake, or vanilla pudding and serve with vanilla wafers.  You may also add a layer of granola for crunch and eye appeal.

Doesn't a caramel apple yogurt parfait sound yummy? And it's healthy too - put some yogurt in the bottom of a parfait glass, add some chopped apple, more yogurt, then top with some fat free caramel ice cream topping and pecans. MMM!

Or...When you have time, prepare cookie dough ahead and place tablespoonsful on baking sheet. Freeze until solid, then transfer to freezer bags or containers. About 30-45 minutes before baking, place individual cookies on baking sheet and cover with waxed paper. Bake when thawed - then serve warm homemade cookies!


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