Looking for a quick side dish to add to your Thanksgiving meal? I've got just what you're looking for!
This is a recipe I've been wanting to try since my sweet sis-in-love, Heidi, made it for a family gathering.
This is a recipe I've been wanting to try since my sweet sis-in-love, Heidi, made it for a family gathering.
This is one of those recipes I like to call EASY PEASY!
I love corn, but unfortunately (or fortunately - for me!) my hubby doesn't care for Fritos.
I've had a bag of them in the pantry since I enjoyed them with my quick corny chili, and couldn't resist grabbing two cans of the Mexicorn recently so I could finally make this.
This is QUICK & EASY & Fantastic!!
The most time consuming part is chopping the onions, so if you do like I did...and chop them ahead of time, this can be made in a matter of minutes.
A great side dish for any meal!!
There's no wrong or right amounts to making this...it's all up to our own taste preferences.
And if you can't find the Mexicorn, just chop some red peppers and mix with canned corn. It's easy enough to tackle from any direction!
I've seen Heidi use an industrial size can of corn, add chopped peppers and onions to it and then mayo to taste. So it can easily be made for a crowd.
I've seen Heidi use an industrial size can of corn, add chopped peppers and onions to it and then mayo to taste. So it can easily be made for a crowd.
2 cans (11 ozs each) corn and peppers, drained
(Also called Fiesta Corn...Mexicorn or Southwest Corn)
1 bunch green onions, chopped
1/2 c. grated cheese, optional
1/2 c. mayo
2 TB. vegetable oil
Fritos Corn Chips, crushed
(regular or chili cheese flavored)
In medium bowl, combine corn, onion & cheese. Add mayo and vegetable oil and toss to coat the vegetables well. Cover and refrigerate for atleast 4 hours, but preferably overnight. (I enjoy it right away myself!)
Before serving, crush Fritos over top. (as much or as little as you'd like...this is my favorite part so I do add a lot. I'm all about crunch).
I suggest serving this in a longer dish so everyone can have fritos with their portion.

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