Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Blog Award =D

Glory Be! I've been bestowed with another blogger award!


I am so proud to be the recipient of the Liebster Award! The word Liebster means 'Beloved' in German--and a show of love and support is what this award is all about.The idea is to bring attention to new blogs
with fewer than 200 followers.


The rules of winning this award are the following:


1. Show your thanks to the blogger who gave you the award
by linking back to them.

2. Reveal your top 5 picks and let them know
by leaving a comment at their blog.

3. Post the Award on your blog.

4. Enjoy the love of some of the most supportive people on the Internet!

So I want to give a BIG THANK YOU! to Michael at The Big Green Bowl for choosing me. I am truly honored.

{Actually, Michael's Big Green Bowl just fell off her cupboard and broke recently.  Oh how sad!  But her uncle found a replacement, so the joy is returning to her kitchen.}

I've enjoyed getting to know Michael more via email.  She's a preschool teacher like I use to be! And she has some great recipes at her site - PLEASE pay her a visit!
It is hard to pick only 5 blogs to pass this award to! The ones I chose are
ones I have enjoyed visiting, and I think you will too.

Here they are....


  1. Thank you Marsha!! How thoughtful you are...{hugs}

  2. Congrats again and thank you for those very kind words :-) I just got my replacement bowl yesterday! It's not quite the same....darker green.... :( I'm trying to be ok with it.

    I am looking forward to checking out the blogs you mentioned. I already know CFC and Sweet Swiper--great choices!
