Saturday, June 14, 2014

Happy Flag Day!

In case you weren't aware, today is Flag Day! 

After reading this info shared in our American Profile publication, I wanted to pass along these things to you too.

We are proud to be Americans!  And we show that by having the largest/tallest flagpole in our whole town! 
(It use to be a light pole on the turnpike...we fly the Marine Corps flag underneath the American flag). 

(From American Profile - week of June 2, 2014)...


"June 14 is Flag Day.  No gifts are exchanged.  The post office stays open. And few if any of us, get the day off work.  So what's the big deal about this holiday with little or no hoopla? 

Inspired by patriotic grassroots celebrations that had been going on for years, most organized by teachers and school children, Flag Day, the anniversary of the Flag Resolution of 1777 (when the Continental Congress sanctioned a flag for the brand-new United States of America), was officially established by President Woodrow Wilson in 1916. The holiday was observed sporadially until 1949 when President Harry Truman signed an Act of Congress designating June 14 of each year as National Flag Day, when everyone is encouraged to proudly display our nation's colors."

So if you haven't done so yet...GO DISPLAY YOUR FLAG!! 


  • It is improper to use an actual flag or flag design as jewelry or clothing.  But flag patches or pins worn on the left side (near the heart) of a shirt or uniform are OK. 
  • It is customary to display the flag only from sunrise to sunset, but flags may be displayed 24 hours a day if properly illuminated. 
  • Although burning flags as a form of protest is hugely controversial, burning -- in a 'dignified manner' -- is the recommended method of disposing of soiled or worn flags. 

(Take them to your local vets organization and they will take care of that for you). 

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