Showing posts with label winner. Show all posts
Showing posts with label winner. Show all posts

Monday, May 20, 2013

It's so fun to be a winner!

I was recently blessed to win a giveaway at Cooking with Libby from
Tate's Bake Shop!

WOOOHOOO!! The best of the best! 

The gift basket came in a cooled packaged box and it included....

 A lemon pound cake loaf, yummy crumb cake, shortbread cookies, a box of Tate's famous chocolate chip cookies and a beautiful "Baking for Friends" cookbook!  

Thanks soooo very much Libby! 

Friday, November 11, 2011

I LOVE Getting and Giving Awards!!

Oh how tickled I am to have recently received this lovely award (a new one to me!) from Aunt Nubby's Kitchen Thanks a million Anita for thinking of me with this one.  I'm tickled down to my toes!

The "Triple Cute" Blog Award!

This award is to be passed on to seven other deserving bloggers by the recipient. I have chosen some favorites of mine with super cute blogs and lots of creativity, all wrapped up into one triple cute blog!

 Please visit these lovely ladies and check out their awesome blogs.
A'lil Country Sugar....who amazes me how she creates delectable dishes and uses leftovers to make something new! Ever the creative blogger!
Chocolate Covered Katie...who blows me away with all the incredible & healthy desserts she comes up with!
4littlefergusons...who keeps me in awe over all the things she accomplishes and the wisdom she has as a young mama to 4 precious wee ones. One terrific photographer too!
Flour Me With Love...who is so faithful to share the most delicious recipes and has a darling blog set up.
Cooking with Libby...who is not only a creative blogger & cook, but one I've been following the longest because she never fails to 'keep me on the edge of my seat' with her wonderful posts.
Lark's Country Heart ....who has fantastic recipes, but best of all, has a {country} heart that gives and gives herself away.  A lovely lady who never ceases to amaze me.
The Sweet Swiper - by Kirsten - a woman after my heart. She makes the same kind of foodie delights that I like to make...and eat too. I love the cute and simple crafts she shares also.

Many thanks to my sweet daughter, Deb, AKA The Queen Mommy who bestowed me with this award a few weeks ago and I just haven't made time to pass it along, so figured I would include it in this post also.  She's the reason I began blogging and am ever grateful for her encouragement.

Liebster means "Beloved" in German..just lovely!

The Liebster is awarded to spotlight up and coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers (which may or not be true in every case!) . Here are the guidelines a recipient should follow:

Thank the giver and link back to the blogger who gave it to you. Reveal your top 5 picks and let them know by leaving a comment on their blog. Copy and paste the award on your blog. Have faith that your followers will spread the love to other bloggers. And most of all – have fun!

Grandma Loy's Kitchen - a good email bud who inspires me and shares amazing recipes.  I especially love all the DIY ideas she shares!
Amee's Savory Dish - she shares lots of ways to make nutritious & healthy dishes and I so appreciate that.
Sneakers of Faith - by Heather - a fairly new blog (and a very new bride!) that is full of inspiration and encouragement.
The Cooking Blog - by Jessica, a young teenage gal who shares great recipes, simple crafts and her interesting life. 
(I was that young girl once upon a time=)
Live.Art.Fully - by Jennifer, who shares struggles with a chronic disease, is a homeschooling mom and is full of faith and inspiration.  A new blog to me, and I'm glad I crossed paths with this one.  

Monday, September 12, 2011

WOOHOO! Twist & Shout for my friend Lark!

Did you see it at Facebook over the weekend?

Our amazing friend Lark is one of the "Real Women of Philadelphia!"  She's won a contest at Kraft! 
She is the "Make  to Impress Dessert Winner 5" with her Pecan Cream Cheese Custard Pie recipe!


(If you didn't know already, Lark and I are co-bloggers, along with Libby at Country Cooks Across America blog) One day I hope to write about about experience together....

Take a look-see at this cool video. Can we even imagine seeing our name pop up like this from such a BIG site!?

Real Women of Philadelphia video

I can't wait to try that recipe.

I had already been wanting to post a picture of the gifts I received from Lark this week.  She went to Disneyland and ran a she often does...and thought of me while she was there!

These are the lovely things I opened and then giggled & giggled.

The 'Main Man' Mickey shaped pasta...measuring spoons and a Minnie head on a chain.

How cute huh?

I'm blessed to call Lark my friend...she's definitely a sister of the heart, and we have yet to meet. 

One day we will...I'm trying to coax her to come to my part of the world because she's infatuated with Amish and we have many living in our corner of the world.

Thanks for your thoughtfulness Sparky Larky! MUAH!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

We have an Eggland Winner!

I'm thrilled to announce the winner of the Eggland's Best Egg Giveaway...

CONGRATULATIONS TO....(drum roll please)

Comment #5 -

Anonymous said...(Roxanna Warfield in disguise!) 

When you have eggs, you have a meal! Thanks to Egglands Eggs, you have a healthier meal. I never want to be without my Eggland eggs. Scrambled with shredded cheese is good for any meal. Deviled eggs are a must for all family gatherings along with potato/macaroni salads. An omelet full of veggies, meat and cheese make a yummy meal. A breakfast sandwich with fried egg, slice of ham and cheese on an English muffin is great. Homemade ice cream and baking are my favorites. Poached in the microwave is quick. Also, boil eggs, peel and eat with salt and pepper..can reheat in microwave and snack on them...yum. aka:LUCY

Please contact me within 24 hours.

I will be contacting Emily Prager at Eggland and she will be sending the gift pkg. out soon.

Thanks to all who entered!  Keep trying...there will be more giveaways ahead.

And we bloggers LOVE comments!  *-*

Monday, August 22, 2011

I'm so honored!

I am just stunned...and honored too!

My recipe for Taco Chicken was the #1 viewed at a Jane Doiron's 'Make Ahead Meals for Busy Moms' Melt in Your Mouth Monday linky party last week. 

Jane Doiron is an amazing blogger, and a dear email buddy of mine.  She's done many things to help me, as a newbie to the blogging world. I have been so touched by the time she shares with me. She's SUCH a busy lady.

I just love Jane's website.  She's so professional and I continue to learn from her.

In fact, I've got Jane's cookbook packed to take to my daughter's with me. *-*

She has a lot of traffic Gals - NO wonder my numbers climbed so drastically in the last week. 




OK...if you haven't viewed this delicious recipe yet...go check it out here   You'll want to make it soon.  It's been a family favorite at our house for years. It can be made a day ahead too....which is what Jane's website and cookbook are all about. 

Monday, May 2, 2011

I'm thrilled....My first blogging award!

As the saying goes....I'm as happy as a lark! *-*
I've been 'bestowed' this honor by my friend, Lark of Lark's Country Heart

She's a new blogging friend and I love her easy and 'country-fied' recipes.

Thanks Lark!! for sharing this with me...

(Stay tuned...Lark will have a guest post on my blog
in the next few weeks while I'm on vacation=)

Here are the RULES that come with accepting this award:

#1 You Thank the person who awarded it to You and list a link back to them.

#2 Tell (7) things about yourself. *Mine are listed below*

#3 Pay it forward by awarding it to (15) recently found new blogger.

#4 Contact the Blogger you have awarded & make them aware.
(This is what I needed time to do - TBB)

Here is my list:

1. I've been married to the same wonderful man for over 43 years and we are still madly in love! *-*

2. I'm proud to be mom to 3 special adults, and nana to 8 precious 'grands.'

3. My faith and my family are the most important things in my life. I love Jesus and stay busy serving Him in several ministries within our local church.

4. I had my own cookbook published in August 2010 and am still living in Dreamland. 

5. I love anything purple! Especially clothes.

6. I am blessed with the gift of encouragement and have a card ministry. I mail atleast 40 cards a month. I strongly believe in not allowing technology to allow us to lose the special touch of a handwritten note.

7. I'd been a nail biter/picker all my life, but the day I got the call my first shipment of cookbooks were coming, and I knew I would be doing booksignings, I had incentive to break that terrible habit...and let my nails grow out.  It's one of my greatest accomplishments in life! (It has also eased my concerns about laying in my casket with nasty hands - ha)

My list of new bloggers:

Angie - A'lil Country Sugar
Lisa - Sweet as Sugar Cookies
Betsy - My Five Men
Joelle - Joelle
Kay - Cooking with K
Amee - Amee's Savory Dish
Kagi - Sweetened by Kagi
Amber - This Mommy Cooks
Ron - The Old Geezer
Denise - The Bread Fairy
Marcia - Frugal Homekeeping
Lisa - Flour Me With Love
Miz Helen - Miz Helen's Country Cottage
Amanda - Eating in Winnipeg
Jamie - My Baking Addiction
Dorothy - Crazy for Crust

Friday, April 15, 2011

Always fun to win!

Just wanted to share a sweet 'bonus' I've received this past week. 

I won a coupon for a free 59 ozs. bottle Simply Orange (or Apple or Grapefruit) Juice from Kristy's giveaway at Casual Dish

I ran right out the same day it arrived and bought a bottle of orange juice with mango and it was a true delight.  VERY delicious!


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Showers of Blessings!


I'm soo excited & blessed to have received an email this week informing me that I won an online dessert contest at The Book Club Network!

Here's what the email had to say...

The Just Desserts Contest update

The best recipe chosen was:

Cherry Chip Cheesecake Bars by Marsha J Baker. We have a WINNER and I will be letting her know and getting the gift card out to her today! Congratulations!

I got this message from them earlier this week...

This wasn't easy. We boiled it down (no pun intended) to 23 of the best recipes (I gained 5 lbs just reading them)

And then Nora and Hilary went through and picked the best 7

We then assigned our top culinary secret mission team the task of picking the best three. The latest results are on the site!

The top three recipes chosen were....brownies, apple cinnamon boston cream pie, and my cheesecake bars.

I'm sure hoping I can get those other competing recipes!

My 'blooming' author friend, Mesu Andrews (I will soon share more about her new book being published next week) knows how much I love recipes, and sent me the link for
this contest in January.

I paid no attention to the prize - I just love contests - and it wasn't until yesterday that I found the original email telling what the prize was....

OH MY!  I'm being sent a $100 gift card to spend at a high-end kitchen store online -

PLUS I get two books - the authors have already contacted me.  They are...

DEADLY TIES - by Vicki Hinze

Coincidentally, I received my copy of Mesu's book just today, and long to find time to concentrate on getting it read. 

I'm able to read while on the road, so whenever we are out and about, I will be reading these books.

My winning recipe - Cherry Chip Cheesecake Bars - is in my cookbook.  And yes, I will be sharing it here in the near future too. *-*

Actually, it's a Betty Crocker recipe and you can often find the recipe on the back side of the Cherry Chip cake mixes.

You know how you sometimes get those email questionaires?  I am thinking of one in particular, that asks to name your favorite dessert.

EVERY TIME I answer CHERRY CHIIP CHEESECAKE BARS!  They are so rich and fantastic!

I often tell folks this is one of those desserts I need to serve to a crowd, otherwise, I eat waaaay too many of them myself!

Stay tuned - once you try them, you'll be hooked on them too!!

They're also very beautiful to look at too...(wiping the drool)

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Oh my goodness!  I'm thrilled out of my head to be the recipient of a free giveaway!

My online friend and cookbook author, Jane Doiron, was having a giveaway at her blog...
MAKE AHEAD MEALS FOR BUSY MOMS and all I had to do was leave a comment. I am already a fan of hers at Facebook. Go check her out!

There were 317 comments, and chose my comment!  I have won this most darling "Sassy Black" apron - pictured above - just adorable!

And believe it or not - just LAST WEEK - I received a 'Saucy Safari' apron - pictured below - that I ordered fromFLIRTY APRONS.  Because I have white hair, I wear a lot of black and white and thought it would be great for me to wear these adorable aprons when I'm doing booksignings for my upcoming cookbook - coming out in early Sept.


A friend told me she recently purchased an apron to give to her daughter, and when her grandson saw it, he said "Oh a cooking dress!"

YES!  A 'COOKING DRESS' that we can feel elegant in!

Be sure to check out Jane's cookbook too - she's done a lot of the 'leg work' for us women, and made life easier for us in the kitchen.